Article by:
Farzeen Qureshi

Who is an Entrepreneur?

A person that blindly chases an idea without certainty of it ever becoming true? Or a person who is willing to take unnecessary risks for only his own well-being?
Oh no no! This is the definition of “entrepreneur” we have been hearing our whole lives, which is actually, not true at all. 
An entrepreneur is a person who has the ability to think out of the box, a person who sees things in a way normal people can’t, and someone who is willing to be persistent in pursuit of some innovation, or a dream that people label as “too stupid”
But what is the reason we are not aware of true meaning of entrepreneurship? Why are we not fearless in having and implementation of our own wild ideas? It’s because we are not educated about it! 

What is Entrepreneurial Education? 
The purpose of entrepreneurial education is to introduce people with the background of entrepreneurship, provide them knowledge about the dynamics of business, help them develop the skills and abilities required to run a successful business and build one from scratch by gaining a cognitive approach.  

Why we need Entrepreneurial Education?
The lack of jobs and the increasing rate of unemployment has given rise to the idea of being “self employed” among people. That’s where entrepreneurial education kicks in. Entrepreneurship is not something that was invented yesterday. It has always been happening in history.
However there are still various aspects of entrepreneurship that youth needs to be made aware of, and that can only occur if right education is provided to the young minds. 
 Enabling entrepreneurial education, is not only to make them successful business owners, but also to nurture them into becoming independent thinkers, risk takers and creative individuals. It helps the young generation to develop a more profound skill set, have better understanding of their aptitudes, learning to work in teams, and ability to recognize opportunities. Moreover if they are aware about it, they can identify the problems in economy and build solutions that helps the country in long run.

Responsibility of Educational Institutions:

 It puts an implication on our educational institutes to make the youth educated about entrepreneurship. They should provide the environment that fosters novelty and ideas. Teachers should be more encouraging and supportive towards students building their own businesses and they should provide strategic plans for students to compete in market and to minimize the risks in business. Researches in the area of entrepreneurship should be conducted in universities so students can determine which ideas are turn able into successful and beneficial products, and which will turn out to be unsuccessful.
Management and Business courses should be added in the curriculum's at college and university level so the youth can learn about it. Different sessions should be arranged by educational institutes to make students understand the needs of different organizations. University and colleges should adopt project based methodology and teach the youth about entrepreneurship dynamics. Teaching entrepreneurship should be a well - integrated part of educational missions and proper role model entrepreneurs should be presented to students to provoke motivation. Educational institutions should also try their best to provide the resources for startup ventures and guide students about how they can turn their projects into useful products.

Crazy Wild Ideas!
So next time when you come up with idea to build a flying car, or an invisibility cloak or any other idea that seems impossible or risky, just go for it! Because as Steve Job said:
“The people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do”


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